Friday, November 11, 2005

How many graduate students does it take to refill a stapler?

I used to think that the question "How many X does it take to change a light bulb?" is stupid...I mean, I usually don't get the joke...except maybe the ones involving lawyers, haha. Anyway...I never knew I would actually experience this in real life. :D our software engineering lab, we have a little cupboard with some basic office supplies. One of them, is a huge-ass stapler which apparently needs to come with a user manual. Anyway, so it ran out staples, and we wanted to refill it. Two PhD students tried their hands on it yesterday with little success. Then today during lunch time, Maddie and I tried...and tried and tried and tried, with no success! We examined the staple up and down, side to side, and we just couldn't figure out how on earth to fill the thing with new staples! After that Beng also tried...and finally...Joey managed to fix the thing. It was simple actually...all you needed to do was to pop the staples in before inserting the spring thing (ah, it's hard to describe), while before that we were trying to insert the staples after the spring thing.

Anyway the whole process took about half an hour. I just thought it's hilarious...that we needed SIX people (4 PhD students and 2 Masters students, no less!) to figure this out! You'd think a simple task as this would be less of a pain in the ass.


Blogger Kae Huang Tan said...

Hahaha, true, a PHD wouldn't be useful in situation like this, maybe a primary student will figure out how to refill it :P haha~~

2:04 PM  

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