Sunday, July 31, 2005

Batman! I saw Batman!

Today, my little cousin turns 5. And since I'm conveniently located in CA, I attended his birthday party, which consisted mainly of good Malaysian food, a group of very loud 5-year old boys, lots of blue cake icing which made the kids look like they're from a vampire movie, and Batman. Yep, Batman! Oh, you know, one of those cartoon character people that you can hire by the hour from an agency. :D

When the guy walked in the door, my first reaction was to quickly cover my mouth to stop myself from bursting out laughing. Oh, the guy looked fine...there was absolutely nothing wrong with him except his loose fake muscles (you know how Batman's suit looks like right?) and his too-short pants--which didn't conceal his black laced-up shoes. But other than that, I was surprised to find that the guy really had talent with kids. He managed to get 7-8 5-year old boys--who were all over the house running and yelling before he arrived--to be quiet for nearly an hour! They were mesmerized by the tricks he could do--disappearing crayons, magic colorbook, body painting...etc. He was good, I have to give him that.

The funniest thing had to be...just before the guy left, he asked my uncle if they hired a cartoon character for my cousin's birthday party too last year. My uncle said yes, it was Spiderman last year. The guy went "Yeah, that was me!" Apparently he thought that the driving instructions given to him seemed very familiar! I don't know why, but I find this extremely hilarious.


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