Sunday, January 01, 2006

How many computer scientists does it take to unclog a bathtub?

Here's the million-dollar question again.... So yesterday my bathtub was clogged after I washed my wool clothes in the tub (noooooot smart). I pumped and pumped the tub, hoping that the wool would come up, but the water stayed stagnant. So I left it overnight, and sure enough the next morning the water is all gone. Unfortunately, after taking a shower, I realized the tub has not actually been unclogged. So I stared at the few inches of water in my tub and set off to borrow a pump from Alvin. But alas, I didn't know how to use the damn pump! It was so hard to push down, so I asked for help. Alvin came up and helped me pump least 15 minutes. The water went down about an inch, and I thought, yay, happy ending! BUT, the joy lasted for only half an hour because the water stopped going down after that. the evening Ryan came over with yet another pump in hand and set to work. After about 2 minutes, he asked me, "Why is the handle for the plug up?" and he pushed it down. Immediately we heard the welcomed gush of water, and within 30 seconds, all the water in the tub was gone. SO...apparently, what happened was...I must've accidentally moved the handle while I was washing my of course the bloody tub was clogged...I plugged it!

Oh well.


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