Rude rude rude people
Here I am in Hilton Minneapolis, attending the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Here gathers hundreds of smart, knowledgeable, and supposedly highly-civilized software engineers (or would-be software engineers). Despite the fact that we can do complex analysis of thousands of lines of code and that we have countless methodologies for soughting out tricky bugs in software systems, we simply cannot get our asses in the room for presentations ON TIME. As the talk is going on, people CONTINUOUSLY walk in, opening and shutting the door CONSTANTLY, and this about DRIVES. ME. MAD. I mean, why even bother coming into the room when it's well over 30 minutes into the talk? Why leave when there's only about 10 minutes left to the talk?? You've sat there listening to it for over 45 minutes, surely it won't kill you to spend another 10 minutes in your seat. Just STOP OPENING AND CLOSING THE DOOR for goodness sake!
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